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Regular price $859.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $859.95 CAD
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C&B-Metabond® is still the one product that demanding clinicians reach for when they need solutions to “impossible” restorative dilemmas. This cement system has the unique ability to bond to just about any hard surface, whether it’s enamel, dentin, cementum, non-precious, semi-precious or noble alloys, porcelain, composite resin or acrylic.

C&B-Metabond is kind to hard and soft tissues because its time-proven formula incorporates biocompatible methacrylate resins along with its surface penetrating agent, 4-META. A surface-penetrating monomer, 4-META has the capacity to access vital or non-vital tubules and support the delicate collagen fiber network while it gets absorbed by the intratubular and peritubular dentin.

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